Winer Observatory Sonoita Facility Weather Status

Data as of 2016.10.10 18:46:37 UT

Parameter US-Units US-Error Metric-Units Metric-Error Comment
Wind Speed 12.00 (mph) ±2% 5.36 (m/s) ±2% RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Wind Direction 247.00 (deg) ±11.25 4.311 (rad) ±0.20 RainWise Mk III / N=0°,E=90°,S=180°,W=270°
Air Temperature 77.00 (°F) ±0.50 25.00 (°C) ±0.25 RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Air Temperature 0.00 (°F) ±0.36 0.00 (°C) ±0.20 Omega Engineering / Inside Observatory
Dew Point 0.00 (°F) ±0.45 0.00 (°C) ±0.25 Omega Engineering / Inside Observatory
Humidity Split (AT-DP) 0.00 (°F) ±0.45 0.00 (°C) ±0.25 Omega Engineering / Inside Observatory
Humidity 0.00 (%) ±2% 0.00 (%) ±2% Omega Engineering / Inside Observatory
Humidity 19.00 (%) ±2% 19.00 (%) ±2% RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Barometric Pressure 26.16 (inHg) ±0.004 88.59 (kpa) ±0.005 RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Sea-level Barometric Pressure 31.16 (inHg) ±0.004 105.53 (kPa) ±0.005 RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Rain for Today 0.00 (in) ±2% 0.00 (mm) ±2% RainWise Mk III / 100m SW of Observatory
Sky Brightness 19.01 (Vmag/asec²) ±0.03 19.01 (Vmag/asec²) ±0.03 Unihedron SQM-LE / FWHM Angle of 20°
Infra-Red Sky Temperature 0.00 (°F) ±0.00 (°F) 0.00 (°C) ±0.00 (°C) AAG CloudWatcher
Ambient Temperature 0.00 (°F) ±0.00 (°F) 0.00 (°C) ±0.00 (°C) AAG CloudWatcher
Rain Frequency 0.00 () ±0.00 () 0.00 () ±0.00 () AAG CloudWatcher

ALERTS HighWind: No Precipitation: No Cloud: No Humidity: No Humidity Split:No

Engineering Page Iowa Data Archive Page(s) Winer Graphical Data Server Page(s) Clear Sky Clock

Time of Last Reboot: 19 Days, 18h:35m:00s
Version: obsd, v2.1.1 04-Jul-2014 (P. N. Daly)


	Archive page(s) of weather and seeing data provided by the University of Iowa
	Clear sky clock for Winer Observatory is provided by Attilla Danko